Thursday, September 29, 2011

Palin's Poker Face

Last night I wrote my thoughts on just what might possibly be going on in the Palin camp (which we know is comprised of Sarah and Todd):

Have you watched her interviews over the past few months? The commentary she uses to defer the “BIG question” is either, “still contemplating the huge life-changing decision” or more famously – “do I need a title to make a difference?” 
It seems to me these statements are more like her “I can’t announce right here and now” rebuttal – and it’s absolutely brilliant. She keeps the world guessing, gives the media the runaround, and formulates a strategy to give her competitors the shock of their life. 
The purpose of this verbiage is to create an atmosphere for complete and total surprise. It’s her poker face,” her “expressionless face,” a face without any interpretable expression – as that of a good poker player, someone who doesn’t show any emotion of reaction so that people don’t know what they are planning.

Tonight Governor Palin spoke with Judge Napolitano on the Fox Business Channel. When asked about her plans for 2012 she replied, "You know, I hold my political cards close to my chest, I've certainly learned lessons along those lines and I'm going to continue to do that until I'm ready to make an announcement - this is a serious decision and I'm engaged in serious deliberations and within the next 24 hours don't look for me to make a decision."

All I have to say is - remind me never to play a hand of poker with the Governor.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Awaiting General Palin's Call To Action

Palin supporters, myself included, have endeavored in speculation about the Governor’s 2012 plans until we’re blue in the face.

Last night, Palin did an interview on the Fox News channel with Greta Van Susteren. When asked about her plans for 2012, she had this to say:

"Is a title worth it?" she asked. "Does a title shackle a person?  Are they someone like me, who's a maverick? You know, I do go rogue and I call it like I see it, and I don't mind stirring it up in order to get people to think and debate aggressively, and to find solutions to or the problems that our country is facing." 
Palin continued, "Somebody like me -- is a title and is a campaign too shackling? Does that prohibit me from being out there, out of a box, not allowing handlers to shape me and to force my message to be what donors or what contributors or what political pundits want it to be? Does a title take away my freedom to call it like I see it and to effect positive change that we need in this country? You don't need a title to make a difference, truly."

After this interview many supporters became discouraged in hopes of Palin making a run for the White House.

The Governor is all about using common-sense to address issues, so let’s take a look at the situation at hand using the same principle…

Firstly, have you watched her interviews over the past few months? The commentary she uses to defer the "BIG question" is either, "still contemplating the huge life-changing decision" or more famously – “do I need a title to make a difference?"

It seems to me these statements are more like her 'I can't announce right here and now' rebuttal – and it's absolutely brilliant. She keeps the world guessing, gives the media the runaround, and formulates a strategy to give her competitors the shock of their life.

The purpose of this verbiage is to create an atmosphere for complete and total surprise. It’s her "poker face", her “expressionless face", a face without any interpretable expression – as that of a good poker player, someone who doesn’t show any emotion of reaction so that people don’t know what they are planning.

Speaking of planning, how many times has Sarah told us not to retreat but instead to reload? In this instance, to those who don't really know her, she is retreating but could it be that she is actually reloading/ preparing?

"When your enemy is prepared for you to attack, go on the offensive - retreat, but when your enemy thinks you are retreating to your stronghold, attack when they least expect it."

I'm convinced this is her strategy and I don't believe for one second that she hasn't already decided. Think about it, if she wasn't running there would be no reason to put off telling us her decision. This isn't rocket science folks, if it were; we would ask Herman Cain for help.

We could go on to discuss some of the red flags we've been given – as to why she is planning on running but quite honestly, I’ve become exhausted while struggling to convince my own colleagues of this announcement.

With that being said, we must keep in mind one other thing Governor Palin has said: "keep your powder dry". This means, to ensure that you are ready for action or for a crisis. In the age of muskets, soldiers kept small bags of gunpowder for the use of loading their guns. If the powder became wet by falling into a river or being exposed to rain, the soldier couldn't fight because their gun would not function.

Therefore, when someone tells you to "keep your powder dry", they mean to ensure that you're not going to come up short in a crisis because you haven't taken care of business ahead of time.

Will you be ready when the General announces the call to action?

What Does Governor Palin Owe You?

Guest commentary by C4P's "Don B" reprinted in it's entirety with permission:

This dear woman, Sarah Palin, has dedicated her life to doing what is right by the people of her state and this great country.  And for it, she has been forced from a job she dearly loved and faced bankruptcy, her family has been dragged through hell, and her parents sleep with a gun under the bed. She and her beloved husband have been accused of adultery. She has been accused of murder.  She has been accused of not being the mother of a child that was sent from God as a sign of his love for her. And through it all, she has never once shown an ounce of regret, and she has borne it all with a smile and a fierce determination to continue to do what is right. 
She changed the health care debate with two words.  She has brought the battle directly to Obama's door with her tweets and facebook posts.  She has traveled tirelessly across this great land and around the world bringing a message of hope, encouragement and conservatism to those of us who wonder if there is any way out of the mess we're in.  She has campaigned for those who had the courage to step up and meet the call, and was largely responsible for the greatest electoral Republican victory in decades.  She has changed the focus from distinct party lines to a battle of We the People against corporate crony capitalism.  She has done all that and much more because she loves this country, and the people.  She has done it because she loves you.  She has already done more than any of us could rightfully ask, and she's done it without asking anything in return. She owes us nothing. It is we who owe her. 
And now, NOW, some of you find it incomprehensible that she isn't doing what you want her to do, when you want her to do it.  Now some of you want her to go back to Alaska and ride her snowmobile.  Now you want to abandon her, all because you think YOU have sacrificed so much by supporting her for a presidential run she has never promised you she would make.  Now you hold her to a time line of your own choosing, forgetting that any date given by her was never set in stone, but simply a date by which the process must be underway.  You don't know what she is doing, what she is working on, or what she is thinking.  But you certainly do know that whatever it is, you know better and would do it differently and without question so much better. 
Before you get on your high horse and ride away, consider what she has to decide to do in order to prove her love for you in a way you find acceptable, and what you are asking her to do in order for her to meet your standards and your demands.  Consider that knowing she and her family are the direct target of some of the most hateful, deranged and sick people the left has to offer, she must decide to put her family in harm's way to do what is right for her country. For you. 
Sarah has incredible courage, but she also has others she is responsible for, who depend on her.  Would having a Palin child, or a parent, assaulted or killed be proof enough?  Would having Sarah herself shot at, wounded or killed be proof enough?  These are things that she must consider, and about which I'm sure she spends time on her knees asking God for guidance and protection. 
If you feel you have sacrificed more for her than she has for you, then by all means hop on your horse and be gone.  Just don't leave thinking she owes you something.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Palin's Attorney Threatens To Sue Random House, McGinniss

ABC News is reporting Governor Sarah Palin’s family attorney John Tiemessen has written a letter to Maya Mavjee, the publisher of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, that Palin may sue her, the company, and the book’s author Joe McGinniss “for knowingly publishing false statements” in his book released last week, “The Rogue”.

Tiemessen writes in the letter that the email “clearly describes the fact that Mr. McGinniss researched and investigated many false and scurrilous allegations, and concluded that there was absolutely no evidence anywhere backing these allegations.” He continues, calling it “malicious” for Crown to publish the book when it has proof McGinniss and Crown “were fully aware the statements in the book were false, intended to be false, and were intended to harm.”

Tiemessen says, “The final work that was published contains most of the stories that Mr. McGinniss complains were nothing more than ‘tawdry gossip’ that amounted to the wishful fantasies of disturbed individuals... Since both your company, and the author, clearly knew the statements were false, admitted they had no basis in fact or reality, but decided to publish in order to harm Governor Palin’s family, you and Mr. McGinniss have defamed the Palin's.”

Tiemessen ends the letter by warning the publishing house not to “delete emails or destroy records” that may be used in the suit.

The email Tiemessen cites in his letter to Mavjee came to light last week when conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart posted an email between McGinniss and liberal Alaskan blogger, Jesse Griffin.

A source close to the Palins tells ABC News that the “Palins are fighting back and demanding answers from Random House.”

Friday, September 23, 2011

Why Perry Proves the People Want Palin

Texas Governor Rick Perry jumped into the 2012 presidential race on August 13th, and to the surprise of many – Perry immediately surged in the polls becoming the new GOP front-runner.

The surge was questionable but after five surveys conducted since Perry announced his presidential bid — each showed Perry having vaulted into a lead over Governor Mitt Romney by 26 percent of the vote, as compared to Romney's 16 percent.

Perry and Romney have been duking it out on stage for the past three GOP debates. 

Perry won the first game by throwing plenty of heat and Romney conquered the second with finesse pitches and lots of help on offense from other GOP players. 
The third debate took place this evening in Orlando, Florida hosted by Fox News. The debate was played to be the "tie-breaker" of the three and the victor was undoubtedly Mitt Romney. 

Perry was forced to answer some tough questions on immigration – his response clearly failed to resonate with the booing crowd. 

My question is: What does Governor Perry’s initial surge in polling reveal? 

It proves people are hungry for someone whom they hope is “The Real Deal” – the Tea Party candidate who isn't a member of the “status quo”, isn't a typical Washington “politico”, who isn't afraid to talk tough and directly take on Obama and his administration, and most importantly – they are in search of a candidate who they believe can win not only the nomination but who can ultimately defeat President Barack Obama.

Bottom line, folks were disappointed this evening. The Tea Party candidate/ non-politico they painted Rick Perry out to be, turned out to be more of the same. 

And so, the question remains: Who’s left to ride in on that white horse and fill the shoes of that true conservative the American people are yearning for? Sarah Palin. 

By the looks of things, she's played her cards just right – she's sat back long enough to let Perry and Romney hash it out on stage and now the “so called” front-runners are exposed for who they really are. 

Palin’s timing could very well be impeccable; maybe it’s time for her to jump in and fill that true Tea Party candidate void America is pleading for.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

SarahPAC: Gov. Palin is on the Verge of Making Decision

A letter sent by Governor Palin's political action committee states, "As you may know, Gov. Palin is on the verge of making her decision of whether or not to run for office."

The letter continues, "Gov. Palin is a proven leader. She's a common-sense conservative who fights for the rights of Americans like you and me -- not special interests or big corporations."

The header of the letter opens with a quote from Governor Palin:
"There's no question that we must replace Obama in 2012. But the real challenge is who we will replace him with."
You can view a snapshot of the letter by clicking here.

H/T: C4P commentator “Bassmaster12”.

POLL: Palin a Stronger General Election Candidate than Perry

Governor Sarah Palin is now within 5 points of Barack Obama according to the latest Marist-McClatchy poll. 

Palin trailed Obama by 26 points in the same poll taken this past June - this means Palin has cut 80% off Obama’s lead in just three short months.

The poll clearly indicates Palin gaining significant ground among independents while Obama continues to lose independent voter support.

Governor Rick Perry trails Obama by nine in this same poll, while Congresswoman Michele Bachmann trails by 13 – that’s right, Governor Palin is a stronger general election candidate than front-runner, Rick Perry.

Run Sarah, Run!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Weekend in Iowa and an Imminent 2012 Announcement

Governor Palin speaking on Labor Day weekend the "Restoring America" rally in Indianola, IA
Governor Sarah Palin spent this past weekend energizing her support base and laying out her plan to restore America back to true greatness.

She kicked off the weekend by a surprise visit to our Organize4Palin/Conservatives4Palin private dinner on Friday night at the Machine Shed restaurant in Urbandale, Iowa. The event wasn’t the least bit private - media flocked the restaurant around 7:00pm.

Everywhere I turned there was media. One asked - begging like a puppy dog - "Is she coming? Do you think she's coming? I replied, "I do not know." They continued to pry, "Do you know and just won't tell us?" I replied, "I really don't know." I regrettably smiled when they continued, "You're smiling so you must know." At that point I just walked away.

Time slowly passed as the crowd of Palinista's roamed the restaurant gift shop - sharing the room with the salivating "Lamestream Media".

Suddenly, there was commotion at the main entrance. I turned around to find continuous flashing lights and a mob of media rushing towards me. The "Is Sarah coming to dinner?" rumor was true.

As Governor Palin entered, a chant broke out in the words of, "RUN SARAH RUN! RUN SARAH RUN!"

Governor Palin greets supporters as she enters "The Machine Shed" restaurant in Urbandale, IA

I had the privilege to greet the Governor as she arrived. She grabbed my hand and I explained, "We have a bus load of 40 who came in all the way from Texas to see you!" She replied, "Oh wow! Thank you so much, what part?!" I continued, "Dallas/Fort Worth area!" She said, "Wow! Thank you!"

The chaos continued as Palin made her way into the event room. She was so gracious to everyone who approached her. She took the time to ask names, compliment folks, give out hugs, sign books, shirts, and even forearms (one of whom, later that evening, had the signature permanently inked on), and she even took the time to read a supporters outline for a speech the fan will be giving about the Governor.

The energy in the room continued to grow and the "RUN SARAH RUN!" chants continued to break out from time to time during the short visit. It was the perfect beginning to a wonderful weekend in Iowa.

Bright and early the next morning we headed to the Indianola Balloon Grounds. Fresh morning dew gathered on our shoes as we walked to find the perfect seat at the outdoor amphitheater style event.

Mid-morning arrived and the first drop of rain had fallen on the fresh-cut Iowan green grass - yes, even the freshly mowed "PALIN" grass cut-out - the clouds continued rolling in and a familiar Midwestern summer storm had arrived.

Palin's "One Nation" Tour Bus in front of the "PALIN" grass cut-out

Many folks came prepared with umbrellas and continued to sit in their lawn chairs with smiles on their faces enjoying the company of many other like-minded patriots. Others searched for shelter in various event tents and under large, lush Iowan oak trees.

Regardless of weather conditions, the Palin Patriots were here to stay and crowds continued to enter the event grounds during the rainstorm.

A Patriot stands in the pouring rain holding an American flag

The rain continued throughout the opening of the event but was curiously put on hold just minutes before Governor Palin took the stage. 

Palin approached the podium with more chants of "RUN SARAH RUN!" Once the chants settled, the Governor opened with, "Thank you, Iowa. Thank you so much. The sign that says, “Thank you, Sarah,” no, I thank you. You are what keeps me going, keeps so many of us going. Your love of country keeps us going. Thank you so much. Iowa, you are good people. You are all good people who are here. Thank you."

Palin explained what brought us all together that day was a love for country. She continued with, "America is hurting. We’re not willing to just sit back and watch her demise through some “fundamental transformation” of the greatest country on earth. We’re here to stop that transformation and to begin the restoration of the country that we love... We’re going to speak truth today. It may be hard-hitting, but we’re going to speak truth today because we need to start talking about what hasn’t worked, and we’re going to start talking about what will work for America."

She reminded the crowd of her words from the 2008 RNC speech - which this day happened to be the 3rd year anniversary of - when she warned America, “When the cloud of rhetoric has passed, when the roar of the crowd fades away….what exactly is [Barack Obama’s] plan? What does he actually seek to accomplish after he's done turning back the waters and healing the planet? The answer is to make government bigger, and take more of your money, and give you more orders from Washington, and to reduce the strength of America in a dangerous world.”

She was right. And she's been the only politician to stand by us every painful step of the way via Facebook posts, tweets, interviews and speeches - all of which she forcefully and unapologetically fought against Obama's big government, leftist, liberal, bureaucratic, government-overreach, reckless agenda – all of which America is now suffering severely from.

Palin stated facts about the current conditions of our US economy, "Today, one in five working-age men are out of work. One in seven Americans are on food stamps. Thirty percent of our mortgages are underwater. In parts of Michigan and California, they’re suffering from unemployment numbers that are greater than during the depths of the Great Depression. Barack Obama promised to cut the deficit in half, and instead he turned around and he tripled it. And now our national debt is growing at $3 million a minute. That’s $4.25 billion a day." She continued with hard-hitting facts that touched on "crony capitalism", government spending, the recent AAA downgrade, Obama's infrastructure projects (AKA: government spending projects) and special interest monies.

Governor Palin speaking at the "Restoring America" rally

Palin went on the say, "I want to tell you what my plan is. My plan is a bona-fide pro-working man’s plan, and it deals in reality. It deals in the way that the world really works because we must talk about what really works in order to get America back to work." 

Her 5 point plan is as follows via direct quotes from Saturday's speech:

1) "All power not specifically delegated to the federal government by our Constitution is reserved for the states and for we the people. So, let’s enforce the 10th Amendment and devolve powers back locally where the Founders intended them to be."

2) "We must repeal Obamacare! And rein in burdensome regulations that are a boot on our neck. Get government out of the way."

3) "No more run away debt. We must prioritize and cut. Cancel unused stimulus funds, and have that come to Jesus moment where we own up to the debt challenge that is entitlement reform."

4) "It is time for America to become the energy superpower. The real stimulus that we’ve been waiting for is robust and responsible domestic energy production. We have the resources. Affordable and secure energy is the key to any thriving economy, and it must be our foundation."

5) “I propose to eliminate all federal corporate income tax. And hear me out on this. This is how we create millions of high-paying jobs. This is how we increase opportunity and prosperity for all. But here’s the best part: To balance out any loss of federal revenue from this tax cut, we eliminate corporate welfare and all the loopholes and we eliminate bailouts. This is how we break the back of crony capitalism because it feeds off corporate welfare, which is just socialism for the very rich. We can change all of that. The message then to job-creating corporations is: We’ll unshackle you from the world’s highest federal corporate income tax rate, but you will stand or fall on your own, just like all the rest of us out on Main Street."

Governor Palin encouraged all Americans to unite and stand together, "We can confront the problem and we can achieve lasting reform... the road ahead is not easy. You will be demonized. They’ll mock you. They’ll make things up. They’ll tell you to “go to hell.” But we’ll bite our tongue, we’ll keep it classy... we have time-tested truth and logic on our side, we win. And when we refuse to retreat because we know that our children’s future is at stake, we win... the road isn’t easy, but it’s nothing compared to the suffering and sacrifice of those who came before us."

The closing of Palin's speech was reminiscent of a recent trip taken to the World War I Liberty Memorial where she was accompanied by her young daughter and niece. She stated, "...standing in the rain, reading the inscriptions on the Memorial about the honor in one’s dedication to God and country, I thought of all those young patriots who suffered and died so far from home. And revering our vets there with the next generation by my side, there was such clarity – clarity in our calling, patriotic Constitutionalists. We have a duty not just to the living, but also to those who came and died before us and to the generations yet to be born. Our freedom was purchased by millions of men now long-forgotten throughout history who charged the bayonets, and they charged the cannons; they knew they were going to die, but it was worth it for them sacrificing for future generations’ freedom. They’re the ones who prayed in the trenches and suffered in the P.O.W. camps. They gave their lives so that we could be here today. You and I are blessed to be born the heirs of freedom.”

She then concluded, "America, we will always endure. We will always come through. We will never give up. We shall endure because we live by that moral strength that we call grace. Because though we’ve often skirted a precipice, a Providential Hand has always guided us to a better future. So, let us seek that Hand once more. Our Ronald Reagan said, “If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, we will be a nation gone under.” Yes, He shed his grace on thee, America! We will not squander what we have been given! We will fight for freedom. We will fight for America!" At the closing of her speech Palin took the time to greet more Patriots. One of my favorite pictures of the day can been seen below.

4 year-old Etta Nichols later had her sign autographed by Governor Palin

Some expected the big announcement to be on this day. Yes, even I contemplated the fact and admittedly, during the speech, it felt like that may be the moment we had all been waiting for.

When she concluded, and the announcement had not been declared, I wasn't sad or disappointed - I was energized and convinced more than ever that Governor Palin will take matters into her own hands and offer herself up in the name of service.

Sarah always gives her base some sort of clue to keep us energized, hopeful and working hard - the next morning Governor Palin registered as " Sarah Heath" in a local 1/2 marathon called, "Just Jump Right in and Run."

"Sarah Heath" running in the "Just Jump Right In and Run" 1/2 Marathon in Storm Lake, IA

You can view the entire transcript and watch the video from Governor Palin's "Restoring America" speech here.